弊社主催で、以下のように英語ワークショップ「システム思考を評価に応用する」〜システム評価の専門家、ボブ・ウィリアムズ氏を迎えて を開催いたします。
- 主催:(株)ブルー・マーブル・ジャパン
- 協力:(一財)社会変革推進財団(SIIF)
- 日時:2025年2月4日(火)午後1時〜5時
- 会場:SIIFオフィス(港区赤坂1-11-28 6階)
- 使用言語:英語(ただし、Q&Aの通訳補助あり)
- 参加形態:会場参加のみ(オンライン配信・録画配信はありません)
- 参加費:3000円
- 参加人数:最大20名
- お申し込み:https://peatix.com/event/4275299/view
Workshop: Using Systems Thinking in Evaluation Practice: An Introduction to Critical Systems Heuristics
- <Date/Time>: Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 1pm-5pm
- <Venue>: SIIF (Social Innovation and Investment Foundation)
6F, 1-11-28 Akasaka, Minato-ku Tokyo 107-0052, Japan - <Organized by>: Blue Marble Japan with the support of SIIF
- <Language>: English (language assistance available for Q&A)
- <Participate by>: In-person participation only (no live or video streaming available)
- <Participation Fee>: ¥3,000
- <Capacity>: 20 people
<Workshop Goal and Contents>
With the growing awareness to incorporate systems thinking for social change, practitioners are questioning how one can conduct evaluations of that incorporate ideas from the systems field. These are often substantially different from the simple causal reasoning embedded in Program Logic, Logframe and Theories of Change that have dominated evaluation practice in the past two decades. These dominant approaches are criticized as inadequate for the uncertain and complex environments that interventions operate in, and where evaluations are conducted.
In particular, there are challenges around what values and whose values are being used to develop the evaluation criteria that form the basis evaluative conclusions. Another important discussion is based on the acknowledgement that while evaluation generally evaluates interventions that bring about change, evaluation itself is an intervention that seeks to bring about change. Therefore it has a lot to learn from methods and methodologies that are designed to bring about change.
The systems field contains a broad range of methods and methodologies that can be used both to design change focused interventions and evaluations. Many design by exploring underpinning values. Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) is the best known and most commonly used. CSH is a set of generic questions (heuristics) that are adapted to specific interventions to reveal espoused and ‘in use’ values and criteria. It focuses on four sets of decisions that every intervention makes; purpose, control, knowledge and legitimacy. The workshop will explore the practical aspect of CSH in designing, implementing and reporting evaluations, and how evaluators can apply these in their own evaluation practice.
As an introduction to CSH, participants are encouraged to watch the following 30minute video presentation before the workshop.
<Speaker/Facilitator>: Bob Williams (https://www.bobwilliams.co.nz/index.html)
Bob Williams is widely known for his ability to connect evaluation practice and systemic practice. He specializes in the evaluation of complex projects and programs and has been using “systems” concepts in his work for over thirty years. He was originally trained as an ecologist – one of the earliest “systems” disciplines, and he spent four years with the Systems Group at the Open University in the United Kingdom. He is well versed in a variety of different systems methods, but feels that Critical Systems’ focus on valuing has particular important to the evaluation field.
He has run systems and evaluation workshops in the North and South America, Australasia, Europe, Africa and Asia. In recent years he has guided systemic evaluation designs and implementation for a variety of clients around the world. His two most recent books are Systemic Evaluation Design; A Workbook, and System Diagrams: A Practical Guide.
<Workshop flow>
1:00pm Workshop starts: An introduction to Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH)
1.30pm Designing an intervention using CSH
2.30pm Break
2.45pm Designing the intervention’s evaluation using CSH
4.30pm Debrief
5:00pm Workshop ends